CDETB Classtools Video

With no signup passwords and no charges, is a free one-stop shop for TEL tools that you can use in the classroom, TODAY!

Personal favourites include Countdown Timers; Fakebook generators; Crossword creators; Pacman Games; and Random Name Pickers. What’s more, you can use the Share/Embed function to embed these tools in your blog, webpage or VLE (such as Moodle).

This short video shows you how to use the Random Name Picker (Roulette Wheel) to randomly select student names when putting learners into groups/teams or when asking them questions etc.

CDETB Introduction To Pal


Whether it’s a colleague sharing their lesson plans with you or a Department Head chatting to you about your learners, peer-support and experience-sharing are invaluable both to new and more-experienced teachers, alike.

PAL recognises and acknowledges the importance of these informal learning conversations – which take place daily in staff canteens, resource rooms, and school corridors – and places peer support at the heart of CPD.

Explaining PAL’s point-based system, and the accessibility of this CPD model, this short video-presentation will show you how easy it is to become a PAL champion, and how seamlessly it can blended with the TELMS model – so that not only can you be mentored, you can also become a learning champion in the process.